Snowmix Screenshots
Please consider take some screenshots of your usage of Snowmix and post them in the forum with permission for us to display them here.
Snowmix mixer example - Snowmix 0.5.1.

From Live TV Production for Copenhagen Suborbitals February 2016. Upper left in the frame is running an AIS based ship position plotter program (no ships shown). Down left is running a video from CS LES test. Main frame to the right is displaying astronaut Andreas Mogensen in the cupola onboard the International Space Station sending greetings and good luck to Copenhagen Suborbitals.
Snowaudio.tcl - Snowmix 0.5.1.

Screenshot of the GUI audio controller for Snowmix.
Snowscene.tcl - Snowmix 0.5.1.

Screenshot of the GUI Scene controller for Snowmix. The tool can be used to manage scenes for Snowmix when producing Live TV production.
Snowoutput.tcl - Snowmix 0.5.1.

Screnshot of the GUI output timing monitor for Snowmix.
Early Mix - Snowmix 0.3.2.

Early example of Snowmix mixing 4 video sources with transparent logo, texts, solid and gradient text background, video timing and rolling text. Snowmix 0.3.2
Early Mix - Snowmix 0.3.2 - Virtualbox.

Early example of Snowmix running on Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in Virtualbox on Mac OS X Lion
Early Snowcub Example - Audio Tab. Obsolete.

Early example of Snowcub Audio Mixer Tab. Snowcub is since version 0.5.1 no longer part of the source distribution.
Early Snowcub Example - Scene Mixer Tab. Obsolete.

Early example of Snowcub Scene Mixer Tab. Snowcub is since version 0.5.1 no longer part of the source distribution.