End of Life Announcement for Snowmix

Updated for version


End of life announcements for Snowmix are announcements to indicate the future removal of command syntax or removal of specific functionality from Snowmix. Such announcements are intended to be for future versions and not the version the announcement is made for. That said, when the functionality is actually removed, that will also be listed in the End of Life Announcement.

For EndOfLife Announcements for earlier versions, please see here.

End of Life Announcement for Snowmix

For Snowmix released July 2020.

No new announcements for this version. However End of Life Announcement for changes listed under 0.5.0 still applies.


End of Life Announcement for Snowmix 0.5.1

For Snowmix 0.5.1 released February 9th 2016.

No new announcements for this version. However End of Life Announcement for changes listed under 0.5.0 still applies.


End of Life Announcement for Snowmix 0.5.0

For Snowmix 0.5.0 released July 2015.

As announced earlier Snowmix no longer supports the following commands listed int the table below. For each command is the replacement command listed, if such a command exists:

Removed commandReplacement command
cairoverlay -- no replacement --
image place align image align
image place alpha image alpha
image place anchor image anchor
image place clip image clip
image place coor image coor
image place filter image filter
image place image image image
image place matrix image matrix
image place move alpha image move alpha
image place move clip image move clip
image place move coor image move coor
image place move offset image move offset
image place move rotation image move rotation
image place move scale image move scale
image place offset image offset
image place rotation image rotation
image place scale image scale
overlay feed feed overlay
overlay image image overlay
overlay virtual feed vfeed overlay
overlay text text overlay
text place align text align
text place alpha text alpha
text place anchor text anchor
text place backgr alpha text backgr alpha
text place backgr clip text backgr clip
text place backgr linpat text backgr linpat
text place backgr round text backgr round
text place backgr alpha text backgr alpha
text place backgr move alphatext backgr move alpha
text place backgr move clip text backgr move clip
text place backgr rgb text backgr rgb
text place backgr text backgr
text place clip text clip
text place clipabs text clipabs
text place coor text coor
text place grow text grow
text place move alpha text move alpha
text place move clip text move clip
text place move coor text move coor
text place move rotation text move rotation
text place move scale text move scale
text place offset text offset
text place repeat move text repeat move
text place rgb text rgb
text place rotation text rotation
text place scale text scale

As announced earlier, from this version, Snowmix no longer supports executing strings returned by the Tcl Interpreter as Snowmix commands. The functionality has been replaced by the embedded tcl command "snowmix parse".

See End of Life Announcements for Snowmix 0.4.4 further below on this page for example on how to use command snowmix parse from within the embedded interpreter.


End of Life Announcement for Snowmix 0.4.5

For Snowmix 0.4.5 released Jan 21st 2015.

Snowmix will from version 0.5 no longer support execution of the following commands listed below as obsolete commands. The replacement command for each is listed in the same line. Until the release of version 0.5.0, both the obsolete and the replacement command syntax can be used interchangeable.

Obsolete commandReplacement command
image place align image align
image place alpha image alpha
image place anchor image anchor
image place clip image clip
image place coor image coor
image place filter image filter
image place image image image
image place matrix image matrix
image place move alpha image move alpha
image place move clip image move clip
image place move coor image move coor
image place move offset image move offset
image place move rotation image move rotation
image place move scale image move scale
image place offset image offset
image place rotation image rotation
image place scale image scale
text place align text align
text place alpha text alpha
text place anchor text anchor
text place backgr alpha text backgr alpha
text place backgr clip text backgr clip
text place backgr linpat text backgr linpat
text place backgr round text backgr round
text place backgr alpha text backgr alpha
text place backgr move alphatext backgr move alpha
text place backgr move clip text backgr move clip
text place backgr rgb text backgr rgb
text place backgr text backgr
text place clip text clip
text place clipabs text clipabs
text place coor text coor
text place grow text grow
text place move alpha text move alpha
text place move clip text move clip
text place move coor text move coor
text place move rotation text move rotation
text place move scale text move scale
text place offset text offset
text place repeat move text repeat move
text place rgb text rgb
text place rotation text rotation
text place scale text scale

End of Life Announcement for Snowmix 0.4.4

For Snowmix 0.4.4 released Sep 3rd 2014.

Snowmix will from version 0.5 no longer support execution of the following commands:

overlay feed ... overlay image ... overlay virtual feed ...

The commands are still available in Snowmix 0.4.x. The commands has been replaced in Snowmix version 0.4.4 by the following commands:

feed overlay ... image overlay ... virtual feed ...

The command feed overlay is an addition to the *stack* command providing control for when a feed is overlayed/mixed. The overlay feed command was never made public prior to version 0.4.4 and take in version 0.4.3 a different sets of arguments compared to the feed overlay command as of version 0.4.4. because it was not made public, Snowmix will for the version after 0.4.3 only update its minor version number. More information is available in the ChangeLog.

The command shape overlay has been added the identical command shape place overlay. The latter form is recommended from version 0.4.4 an onwards as the form shape overlay will be removed from version 0.5.x

Snowmix will from version 0.5 no longer support execution of snowmix commands through returned strings from the Tcl Interpreter. Until then the follwoing is still supported although no longer recommended:

command create example.tcl proc my_example {} { set s "\ntext string 1 This is an example\n" return $s } command end tcl exec example.tcl tcl eval my_example

The above example is setting the text string from within the Tcl Interpreter. From version 0.5.x this has to be implemented as shown below

command create example.tcl proc my_example {} { set s "text string 1 This is an example" snowmix parse $s } command end tcl exec example.tcl tcl eval my_example

The above example is supported and recommended from Snowmix version 0.4.4. The Tcl interpreter command snowmix parse was introduced for Snowmix version 0.4.4.
